الأربعاء، أبريل 30، 2014

إدارة محافظ إستثمارية | سلايدات

إدارة محافظ إستثمارية | سلايدات


1. A Brief History of Risk and Return

2. The Investment Process

3. Overview of Security Types

4. Mutual Funds

5. The Stock Market

6. Common Stock Valuation

7. Stock Price Behavior and Market Efficiency

8. Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing

9. Interest Rates

10. Bond Prices and Yields

11. Diversification and Risky Asset Allocation

12. Return, Risk, and the Security Market Line

13. Performance Evaluation and Risk Management

14. Futures Contracts

15. Stock Options

16. Option Valuation

17. Projecting Cash Flow and Earnings

18. Corporate Bonds

19. Government Bonds

20. Mortgage-Backed Securities (Web site only)

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